Achieving Excellence Together Rhagori Gyda'n Gilydd

Literacy and Numeracy Personalised Assessments

The National Literacy and Numeracy personalised assessments are statutory for pupils in years 2 to 9. There are 3 assessments: Reading, Numeracy Procedural and Numeracy Reasoning. Attendance is compulsory for all pupils on the scheduled assessment dates - please scroll down to the detailed timetable below to ensure that your child does not miss their assessments. 

On this web page, you will find:

  •  Support video and slides detailing key information about your child's personalised assessments
  • Timetables detailing when and where your child will sit these assessments
  • Zip files containing past paper materials to support your child when preparing for these assessments
For further information and government guidance, please click here.


Support Video




 (To view the slides used in the above presentation, please scroll to the bottom of this page. )


Personalised Assessments Timetable

Reading Assessment



W/C 13th May

Year 9 English Reading 

W/C 20th May

Year 9 English Reading

W/C 3rd June

Year 7 English Reading

W/C 10th June

Year 8 English Reading

 Numeracy Assessments



W/C 3rd June

Year 9WX Reasoning / Year 9WX & Year 9YZ Procedural

W/C 10th June

Year 7 Procedural / Year 7 Reasoning / Year 9YZ Reasoning

W/C 17th June

Year 8 Procedural / Year 7W Reasoning

W/C 24th June

Year 8 Reasoning



personalised assessments detailed timetable 2024.pdf


Past Paper Materials

 Please use the links below to download past paper materials to support your child in preparation for their personalised assessments. 

 Year 7 Numeracy

Year 7 Reading 

 Year 8 Numeracy

Year 8 & 9 Reading

Year 9 Numeracy


Slides from Support Video