Our Curriculum
Leader of Learning English Miss Shelley Rees s.rees@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Leader of Learning Modern Languages Mrs Meg McFarlane m.mcfarlane@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Leader of Learning Welsh Mrs Karen Mallin k.mallin@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Our aim is to inspire all of our learners to interact and engage with the world around them. We are passionate believers in developing the multilingual skills of our young people so that they appreciate the different ways in which we communicate with each other. From Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 5 all learners will have access to a wealth of experiences in reading, writing, speaking and listening so that they become confident communicators.
We believe that being able to speak with confidence underpins our ability to be accurate and engaging written communicators, and it is through our stimulating, dynamic and academically rigorous learning experiences that all learners will fulfil their potential in this area.
Please visit our AOLE page to find out more about our curriculum.
Expressive ArtsCelfyddydau Mynegiannol
Expressive Arts
Learning Manager Mr James Olyott j.olyott@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Assistant Learning Manager Mrs Naomi Stephenson n.stephenson@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
The faculty comprises of the Art, Drama and Music departments. We believe in an “Arts for All” curriculum where everybody is able to express themselves in a friendly and safe environment.
We aim to inspire everybody through a diverse range of challenging activities that encourages pupils to investigate different styles, media and practitioners. As a faculty we believe that pupils need to experience the Arts in a practical manner. Pupils develop their skills within the classroom but are encouraged to use these skills further by participating in the vast range of extra-curricular activities such as Musicals, Theatre Trips, Choirs, Orchestras, Jazz Bands, Gallery Visits and so much more.
Pupils are encouraged to test their skills by engaging fully in the challenging experiences that are offered by the faculty both within and outside the classroom. When pupils fully participate in the exciting and stimulating experiences that are available they can exceed their potential and reach for the stars.
Please visit our AOLE page to find out more about our curriculum.
Health and WellbeingIechyd a Lles
Health and Wellbeing
Learning Manager Mr Mike Jones m.jones@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Assistant Learning Manager Miss Rosie Mankee r.mankee@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Within this learning area we strive to ensure that pupils' health and well-being is given high priority at this vital stage in a young person's life.
The experienced and enthusiastic staff will educate pupils with the skills to lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle and ensure that they are well informed in order to make the right choices. It is our belief that pupils should be happy in school and that they are given the opportunities to express their opinions - pupil voice is something which will be central to the development of Haverfordwest High VC School.
Please visit our AOLE page to find out more about our curriculum.
Learning Manager Mrs Kate Hudson-Brown k.hudson-brown@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Assistant Learning Manager Mr Chris Cunliffe c.cunliffe@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Humanities is the study of human society and its culture.
In an ever inter-connected world it is an increasingly important discipline for learners to understand and eventually master. Our faculty is made up of traditional subjects such as Business Studies, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Sociology and Psychology. These are available to learners at different points during their academic journey. The discipline of humanities will allow a greater insight into the world, helping mankind to better understand the past, the present, our future and ourselves.
Please visit our AOLE page to find out more about our curriculum.
Mathematics and ICTMathemateg a TGCh
Mathematics and ICT
Learning Manager Mrs Samantha Clewer s.clewer@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Assistant Learning Manager Miss Holly Watkin-Rees h.watkin-rees@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Mathematics, Numeracy and ICT is all around us, it is all incorporated into our daily lives and plays a big part in our futures - not one aspect of our lives can escape their influences!
As a learning area, we aim to encourage our pupils to use their talents in order to develop their understanding and appreciation of the subjects. We strive for our pupils to achieve their full potential throughout their learning experience and to build in their own confidence.
Please visit our AOLE page to find out more about our curriculum.
Science and TechnologyGwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg
Science and Technology
Science Learning Manager Mr Ben Hughes b.hughes@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Assistant Learning Manager Mrs Rebecca Davis r.davis@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Technology Learning Manager Mr Kevin Elcock k.elcock@haverfordwesthigh.co.uk
Our aim is to inspire all of our learners to be innovative and forward thinking in a rapidly changing World. Across all key stages, our learners will have access to a wealth of experiences in a range of subject areas. Learners will develop a solid understanding of the world around them to allow them to become confident, capable, creative citizens. Technological processes and scientific enquiry involve planning, carrying out/implementing, analysing and evaluating and we aim to provide a learning journey that covers all of these elements.
Please visit our AOLE page to find out more about our curriculum.
Curriculum for Wales Summary 2023
curriculum for wales summary haverfordwest high vc school 2 .pdf
Shared Understanding of Progression 2023
developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression docx.pdf